My old personal computers 10 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
My old PCs This page includes Japanese characters. Router doesn't reply to a ping Router doesn't reply to a ping. I set up Corega's router (CG-WLR300NM) not to be stealth mode, but WebSitePulse showed no reply at network test. It seems to have a firmware bug. There was a bug that the router hung up in a day before, firmware update removed the bug. See the router's trouble. 15:40 Nov01 GMT+9 One has to open kanri menu to update router's firmware of Corega I downloaded newest router's firmware of ver1.60. I have forgotten how to install the firmware. I read FRQ at Corega site that tells how to login without ID and password. In my case, it is wrong. I logged in and opened kanri (control) menu. I could install the updated ver1.60. 16:03 Nov01 GMT+9 Line speed is about 1/3 of nominal 100Mbps
20:17 Nov01 GMT+9 Free Ninja Analyze has to add an assigned tag in each page I have used ANHTTPD for my server now. ANHTTPD logs a few dozen size of text file every day. When I see a log file, I cannot see what kinds of pages were viewed. Geocities has automatic access couters. Googling, I found ANALOG can analyze ANHTTPD log, but it seems to be difficult. I knew a free analyzer, Ninja Analyzer. It handles up to 100 pages. I rewrote 57 pages of html files in Reports. The free edition has to add a tag in each page. Wikipedia tells that Ninja is polular among 1.5 million users. 10:52 Nov04 GMT+9 What pages of mine do people look at?
I have 148 htm files in enokiepisode now. I cannot analyze all the pages because the limit of 100 pages of free Ninja Analyze. I had better register Google's sorted pages at first for Ninja Analyze. I decided to restore index to Desperate War of Japan in the Pacific for access to military technology. 15:36 Nov05 GMT+9 Googling in Googling at the condition of 'Desperate war of Japan', the list is little different from the result of yesterday. I don't know how Google sorts in my pages. I also googled the same keywords and ''. Its list showed Radar in page 2. 11:22 Nov06 GMT+9 Merged the pages and decreased to 72 htm files for Ninja I registered 99 pages to watch access to Reports and Desperate of Japan in the Pacific by Ninja. In order to decrease 148 htm files, I merged the pages and decreased to 72 htm files in enokiepisode. 15:30 Nov14 GMT+9 Ping, resonse is slower than 4.2 times I sometimes test my web page at WebSiltePulse, It took 11.8 second. It is too slow. I want to test a ping from the site, but my router cannot reply now. I pinged for The response time was 184ms. I don't know that the value is fast or slow. I also pinged for The time was 44ms only. It means WebSitePulse server and its line is slower than 4.2 times. Some people would browse my top page in 3s. 16:11 Nov14 GMT+9 Dates of Windows update I accessed to Microsoft and looked at the update history of my GX450. It updated every day till 15 November in November. While 400MHz PC update history lacks 12, 10, 7 and 2 in November. I do not know why the 400MHz PC did. 15:49 Nov15 GMT+9 Set up update time for Windows update I have set up at 13:00 and 3:00 for 400MHz and 1.7GHz PC each. I write my pages for my server in English. 3am is 7pm in the US. Peharps users cannot access my server while the update. I had better be late for the time of update. I set up 7:00. 16:00 Nov15 GMT+9 Update period of Sakura watch I confirmed that 400MHz PC's clock gained 1.45s while spleeping for 10 hours. The clock will gain or lose less than 3s for a day. I set up 999 minutes for the new update period. 16:44 Nov15 GMT+9 Renamed a few htm files in sorted by Google I renamed E-Protest.htm, E-Soldier.htm and E-Thinkers.htm in not to be sorted by Google. These files are not update there. 18:36 Nov15 GMT+9 Be careful to scan and restore a bad sector in Windows drive I worked scandisk since reinstall of WindowsXP of 400MHz PC in the end of October, but it took much time almost an hour on check of restoring bad sector. There are two checks for option, when one begins to scan disk. We had better not check the option.[1] 2:26 Nov16 GMT+9 Why does it take much time to read E drive than C drive?
I tested how 400MHz PC access to the E drive. The table shows the result. E drive is slower than C drive. It seems of three causes.
400MHz PC changed size of virtual memory When I opended IE double, task manager showed pagefile more than 500MB. I looked at property of my computer. The pagefile was vraiable 576-1152MB. I set up the pagefile on F: drive at the size of 1152MB and none pagefile on E: drive. I defraged E: drive. I set up the pagefile on E: drive at the same size. I analyzed E: drive, and confirmed an movevable big file on the mid of E: drive. 22:35 Nov18 GMT+9 Installed Java6 on 400MHz PC Another speed check site required Japa. I installed Java6. The system requirement of Java6 as follows,
My line speed check on 400MHz PC I happened to know a line speed check site. I installed Java6 to test and tried,
計測日時 : 2011年11月22日火曜日 17時13分57秒 下り(ISP→PC): 24.21Mbps 上り(PC→ISP): 16.5Mbps 17:21 Nov22 GMT+9 History of my Yahoo BB
Nov24 GMT+9 Web Master Tool reports disconnections of pages in my server
15:01 Nov25 GMT+9 Test line speed from abroad Googling, I knew that a site shows some sites to check the line speed from abroad.[3] AIT measured 452.8kbps. AIT locates in FL. CTC ( ) measured 1738.851 Kbps, testing network throughput to at Fri Nov 25 2:34:25 EST 2011. WUGNET can measure from each country. In default,
IP address: Location: Japan Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; BOIE8;JAJPMSE) bits per second (bytes per second) Download speed: 599,965 (74,996) Upload speed: 1,817,462 (227,183) Surfspeed Japan 1,269,034 (158,629) Surfspeed Average: 558,769 (69,846) Surfspeed Worldwide: 262,787 (32,848) Latency: 1,129 milliseconds,623,914
bits per second (bytes per second) Download speed: 739,535 (92,442) Upload speed: 1,858,915 (232,364) Surfspeed Japan not measured Surfspeed Average: not measured Surfspeed Worldwide: not measured Latency: 653 milliseconds
Time: 17:07:24 Download Time: 43.212 seconds Average Throughput: 462423 bits/sec I registered by Google Analytics I happened to click Analyitcs in Google Web Master Tool page, I have already registered I don't remember. It reported an access from Russia. Google Analytics is free as well as Ninja. I registered 16:12 Dec01 GMT+9 Web Master Tool reported 9 pages of "Outou ga 途切 remasita" Web Master Tool reported 9 pages of "Outou ga 途切 remasita" on 29 November, so I have changed 30s time-out for 60s. 16:17 GMT+9 Dec02 I added Google's tracking codes in three pages I added Google's tracking codes in 3 pages in root directory of my server again, because I confirmed that the tracking code worked by Anlaly. I added it on 1 December. 16:49 Dec02 GMT+9 Hidemaru macro count100 I use editor Hidemaru to edit Livedoor's blog now because the Livedoor on-line-editor's response is very slow. I want to know how much characters I edit now. To count, it needs install a macro for Hidemaru. I downloaded 'count100' from Vector. 23:05 Jan15 2012 GMT+9 PC Camera Driver for Fuji A310 I tried sending photos taken by Fuji A310 on 400MHz PC. But Windows Xp Home refused and showed unknown USB device. I forgot install Fuji's USB driver (PC Camera Driver), when I reinstall Windows Xp Home. I installed Fuji's USB driver from CD attached to the camera. The result was the same. I accessed to Fuji film and downloaded the new driver.[4] I confirmed to work. I also installed Jtrim to trim photos. I had installed it for Windows 98 before. The same program works for Windows XP. 14:06 Jan25 2012 GMT+9 RS232 cable for DSUB 9P
VB4 doesn't have MSCOMM in toolbox on default I have TDS.exe (2010/11/08), Slip.exe (2011/05/27) in Visual Basic\enoki directory. I ran TDS.exe, and changed COM2 for COM1. I transimitted 'busy?'. Digital Storage Oscilloscpoe TDS310 replied and TDS.exe showed '0'. The RS232 cable works. I have just begun TDS310 measurement programming for Windows98 again, though I had programmed it for Windows95 before. I took TDS2.exe (2011/07/07) from MO-1 backup. I ran TDS2.exe for Windows98. It looks different from Windows95 a little. The screen resolution is the same of 1024x768. I don't know. I copied the form of TDS2.vbp on a new project, but failed. The object of MSCOMM changed into a picture box. I have not remembered to put MSCOMM in Tool Box again. 12:18 Jan27 GMT+9 VB4 assumes Visual Basic directory as current directory I put my new project TDS298.vbp in Visual Basic\enoki directory. The TDS2 form reads a text file in the directory, but won't read correct. I was wrong. Although the project is in a sub directory of Visual Basic, its working current directory is Visual Basic directory. It took a few hours to find the fact. I have not remembered the fact. 12:37 Jan27 GMT+9 How do I browse IE8 and access to livedoor's access analysis while 400MHz PC runs Windows98? My 400MHz PC can switch Windows98 and WindowsXP, if I select booting Windows98 or WindowsXP resetting it. But I am troublesome to do, because I will program for Windows 98 for a while. And Livedoor Blog needs Flash Player 9 to see access analysis of my blog, but my 400MHz PC is too slow to run Flash Player 9 and Windows98 does not support IE8. I will browse IE8 and access to live door's analysis on my server of 1.7GHz PC. 14:33 Jan27 GMT+9 Run-time error '5' : Invalid procedure call TDS298.exe is a new program that I am programming on Windows98 now. It is new version of TDS.exe, TDS2.exe. I programmed on Windows95 before. I had used 66MHz PC for Windows95 which also worked for my server. TDS298.exe saves a record of measurements of TDS310 by text file. Another program Kiri1.exe reads it, but it has made errors and stopped showing a message of Run-time error '5' : Invalid procedure call for 46, 9, 11, 10, 1, 10, 3 and 4 minutes. I thought it because of a subroutine. So I parted into small subroutines. The result was the same. I changed the tiny subroutine with a function. The result was the same. I happened to find an negative parameter in a string processing function. I changed not to pass the code in case of negative value. Kiri1.exe worked for 1 hour 25 minutes. 'Invalid procedure' is not subroutine but function of VB4 for users. 23:20 Jan29 GMT+9 Tektronix DSO (Digital Storage Oscilloscope) TDS310 sends 8 bytes only once Kiri1.exe loses very few measurement. I doubted a tiny text file to read in Kiri1.exe. So I read it in TDS298.exe using debug window. The result was the same. I have found that TDS298.exe happens to fail to receive TDS310 measurements. I read input buffer of MSCOMM. The default size of InBufferSize is 512 bytes. I thought it was enough. I tried reading the buffer. Oh, TDS310 sends 8 bytes only once. A measurement data is 22 bytes. 23:54 Jan29 GMT+9 WindowsXP jp edition does not recognize US keyboard automatically, unconnected I use the same US keyboard for 1.7GHz and 66MHz PC. It usually connects with 1.7GHz PC for my server and browsing. Now 400MHz PC works on Windows 98 for programming VB4. I unconnected the US keyboard for 66MHz PC and connected it with 1.7GHz PC again. I could not input any key. I tried setup from control panel, using mouse. I did not want to reset because it has worked for five months without reboot. I booted, and the PC recognized the US keyborad. 0:08 Jan30 VB4: Line Input function sometimes fail to read a text file
sText = sText & NextLine & vbCrLf iMeasure = iMeasure + 1 CMD does not support UNC path on WindowsXP I tried copy command from DOS prompt on WindowsXP to copy a file on Windows98. But WindowsXP showed,
CMD does not support UNC path in directory The next day I ran WindowsXP on 400MHz PC. I tried copying a file in 400MHz PC by commandline. This time WindowsXP showed a warnimg message that Windows98 does not support a long name of folder to sharing files. The name was "Microsoft Visual Basic" and 22 charaters. I changed it for "MicrosoftVB4". I confirmed that CMD could copy a file in 400MHz PC on 1.7GHz PC. I rebooted Windows98 on 400MHz PC. I tried copying the file, but an error message occurred. I removed password to access the directory. I could copy and the bat file also worked. What is UNC? 11:20 Feb02 GMT+9 VB4: User-defined type variables may not declare successive I declared two variables of my defined type SOKUTEI successive.
Soku.Date = 1111
Dim SokuS As SOKUTEI VB4: Wrong infinte loop without DoEvents may stop other running tick programs I missed to write DoEvents code while programming, ran it. VB4 hung up, and I finished the process. I lost the editing codes. I have run TDS298.exe and Kiri198.exe since yesterday. The programs stopped and showed messages,
Tsushin error (TDS298) overrun error in Japanese 23:44 Feb03 GMT+9 TDS298 works on WindowsXP, and it needs TABCTL32.OCX and MSCOMM32.OCX I tried running TDS298.exe for WindowsXP on 400MHz PC. I have just programmed it for Windows98 on the same PC. Windows XP refused, I suppose. The MsgBox showed, "TDS298.exe - component が見つかりません" in the caption, and "VB40032.DLLが見つからなかったため,この application を開始できませんでした。application を install し直すとこの問題は解決する場合があります。" with prohibition icon. So I copied VB40032.DLL in C:\Windows\System to E:\Windows\System. I tried again, but VB4 refused. The MsgBox showed 'TDS298' in the caption and "Can't load (or register) custom control 'TABCTL32.OCX'. So I copied it in E:\Windows\System. I also did another custom control 'MSCOMM32.OCX'. I ran TDS298.exe and confirmed to work for WindowsXP. Task Manager tells that TDS298.exe use 96% of CPU. After all,
VB4: Description of Exe Options is not multi lines
20:35 Feb05 GMT+9 Task Schedule to open Notepad at every minute I added Notepad.bat to do at every minute on Task of Windows98. I wrote the batch file by Notepad and confirmed to open "notepad Meas.txt" from DOS prompt. The DOS prompt screen displayed reccurent "c:\Program Files\Microsoft Basic\notepad Meas.txt" I found the duplicated name of Notepad.bat and Notepad.exe. I changed the name of Notepad.bat for Pad.bat. Task Schedule and Pad.bat opened updated Meas.txt. But Screens of Notepad increased, how do I close the old screens? I do not know such command. 15:21 Feb08 GMT+9 HDD working temperature This morning room tempeature indicator of fan heater showed 2°C, when I powered on the heater at 9 am. I was anxious about the HDD of 400MHz PC. The fan exhausted cool air then. 1.7GHz PC flowed warmer than 400MHz PC. All the electronic parts consume current more or less. Especially capacitors of power supply and CPU are good for lower temperature. How about HDD? Generally speaking of electronic devices in room, they may work at 5°C. The HDD of dissipated current are 0.72A at 5V and 0.52A at 12V. Although all the three programs of TDS298, Kiri198 and Slip2 access to the HDD at every minute, I scarcely see that LED of HDD turns on. So the current at 5V might decrease compared with full access. 12V is power supply of spindle motor. It rotates constant, so the current is also constant. The HDD seems to dissipate 6.24W at least. I feel warm a littel than 2°C, when the fan heater temperature indicates 15°C. 11:31 Feb09 GMT+9 VB4: Out of memory
13:51 Feb09 GMT+9 VB4: Can't make exe I wanted to make Slip2.exe by VB4, but VB4 showed MsgBox "Permission denied: 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Basic\Slip2.exe'". So I tried to move old Slip2.exe to other directory. But Windows showed MsgBox "Slip2を移動できません。指定されたファイルは,Windowsが使っています。" with stop icon in the caprion of "ファイルの移動のエラー". I had to rest Windows. 17:05 Feb10 GMT+9 Sharing updated files at every minute
Measuring conditions of Digital Storage Oscilloscope (DSO) Tektronix TDS310 are 4 Measurements. Others are default of TDS310. 1.7GHz PC has two COM ports. I used COM1. Refer other specifications of 400MHz and 1.7GHz PC. 0:54 Mar01 GMT+9 Screen shot file format
I found that the screenshot looked different from IE8 + WindowsXP and IE6 + Windows98. IE6 and Windows98 showed distorted images. 18:21 Feb12 GMT+9 FDD of 1.7GHz PC doesn't work I wanted to copy some files on Windows98 400MHz PC to 1.7GHz PC. I copied two files from FDD at first. I tried copying another two files again. Explorer of 1.7GHz PC does not show the file list correct. I doubted the floppy disk at first. I replaced another disk. The result was the same. I restarted the PC. The result was the same. I powered off and powered on at 16:10 at last. WindowsXP showed MsgBox "ドライブAのディスクは format されていません。今すぐ format しますか?" I gave up copying a file by FDD. Why does device manager tell working normal as always? 18:05 Feb12 Login Vector site I tried logging in Vector site, but failed. I asked the password again. I got a new one. I tried again, but the result was the same. Vector tells that we will have to wait for a day. I have just accessed to my personal data. How have I done? The site opens a new page, when I click a button. And the page is hidden. 18:33 Feb12 GMT+9 Upload TDS298 at Vector
23:35 Feb15 GMT+9 Programming to lower CPU duration Task Manager of WindowsXP tells processor duration. TDS298 uses 94-96% of CPU on 400MHz PC because of infinite loop program. I added Sleep function to do DoEvents.[6] I changed to read the parameter in a text box. I tried some values of 0, 1, 10, 100, 1000, 3000. In case of 3000, the right now clock showed a leap of 3s. Big value occurred slow response of mouse click. It is very different from 0 and 1. Although Taskmon shows 30% duration on Windows 98 when the parameter is 1, Task Manager shows 0% on WindowsXP. I found that multi task processing of WindowsXP is more excellent than Windows 98. 13:01 Feb16 GMT+9 Upload Kiri198 at Vector
23:59 Feb16 GMT+9 Upload Slip2 at Vector
20:47 Feb18 GMT+9 Hyojun image quality of JPEG will be enough I did not know that Fine Pix Viewer could save three levels of JPEG image quality, saiko, ko, hyojyun. I compared saiko with hyojyun. The file size of hyojyun and saiko are 61 and 209 KB in case of 810x910 pixel. Hyojun image quality of JPEG will be enough at my site. 0:33 Feb18 GMT+9 Acrobat Reader 5 cannot read JOGMEC's pdf file Acrobat Reader 5 cannot open JOGMEC's pdf file on 400MHz PC. It says, "File wo shufuku dekimasen". I downloaded Acrobat Reader X (10.1.2) and installed on 1.7GHz PC. Reader X works on faster than 1.3GHz CPU. Why do Japanese public organizaion demand new Acrobat Reader version? Whle I can read IMF's report by Acrobat Reader 5 on 400MHz PC. 16:13 Feb19 GMT+9 Where can I register to upload my programs at?
20:55 Feb21 GMT+9 1.7GHz PC always acceses to HDD, when I browse Googling is always sluggish on 400MHz PC. I have changed 400MHz PC for 1.7GHz PC to look for sites for a long time. WindowsXP Pro showed MsgBox, "Windows -仮想 memory 最小値が低すぎます。" in the title bar, "System no 仮想 memory ga nakunatteimasu. 仮想 memory page file size wo 増 yashiteimasu. kono 処理 no 間,ikutukano application no memory 要求 ga 拒否 sarerukoto ga arimasu. 詳細情報 ni 関 shiteha Help wo 参照 shitekudasai." 1.7GHz PC has 256MB memory, while 400MHz PC has 384MB. Certainly 1.7GHz PC always accesses to HDD, when I browse some sites. I may as well increase memory of 1.7GHz PC. 21:26 Feb21 GMT+9 ristricts 2-byte Japanese space character I tried uploading my TDS298 program to a few times, but it refused to accept Long Description at Step2. It said, "Your submission includes invalid characters. Note that only characters on a standard English keyboard will be accepted." I shortened the Long Description step by step. It was the same. I changed Editor Hidemaru to read the Long Description by UTF-8. Hidemaru detected that a space is different from UTF-8 code. I always edit text in Shift_jis. All most of Japanese people write English text by Shift_jis, because Shift_jis includes Ascii. I looked at code table that WindowsXP shows. I knew that Microsoft calls kanji unified CJK Ideograph. Hidemaru does not support unified CJK Ideograph but Shift_jis, UTF-16, EUC-jp and JIS. Or is UTF-16 the unifiled CJK Ideograph? Microsoft devised Shift_jis code and it was standard of PC on MSDOS in Japan, though Government and the followers had decided to JIS. Anyway I could submit TDS298 to It was unnecessary for Free Software to do input at Step4 and Step5. 16:44 Feb24 GMT+9 Is System Monitor of Windows98 a fool? I found that System Monitor of Windows98 does not display correct CPU utilization. When I run TDS298, Kiri198 and Slip2 on Windows98, System Monitor shows 35% of processor utilization. I closed all the three programs, but the value of CPU utilization is the same. The value shows 80%, when I run IE6. Microsoft describes it a little.[8] What is active couter, when all the applications closed?[9] System Monitor seems not to detect active object. While Task Manager of WindowsXP is good. I am a fool who I trusted the System Monitor to make my programs. 10:16 Feb27 GMT+9 Private Type and Global I have just programmed a screen application. The sreen size of Slip2 is 7590H x 5895W. Although it is not so big, I want to draw a graph on Slip2. So I set up another screen or form. I knew Global declare, but VB4 allow my user-defined Private Type with Global declaration in BAS. I do not know the syntax. I will add math function to calculate current, because TDS300 series do not support Math in Measurements. 15:27 Feb28 GMT+9 Save text encoding UTF-8 by Hidemaru I got an e-mail from CNET that Kiri198 is broken.
Please re-submit your product information after these issues have been corrected. 21:30 Feb28 GMT+9 Kiri198 shuts down when it receives truncated Meas.txt Kiri198 stopped when I powered off DSO TDS310. Error message showed "Run-time error '62' Input past end of file". TDS298 showed only tag of Measurement quantity and date. I programmed that Kiri198 will not accept such truncated Meas.txt. I also found that Windows98 PC can access to WindowsXP PC. I understood wrong. I corrected the wrong description. 0:45 Mar01 GMT+9 IE6 visitors are less than 4% When I make VB4 application, I run VB4 on Windows98. Browser is IE6. Recently I have written html by IE8 on WindowsXP. I found that my html looks poor a little, when I browse by IE6. I accessed to Google Analytics, IE6 visitors to my site are less than 4% of all IE series. I may not care IE6 users now. 1:23 Mar01 GMT+9 FD is broken I tried copying my work to a floppy disk to back up program source in HDD. Windows showed error. I opened shutter of the floppy disk. I found a circular scrach. I sometimes saw such disks 20 years ago. I might eject it from FDD too early. I do not lose any data in HDD, but I lost the history of backup in February. I moved backup.txt from drive f: to c:, because Windows98 does not recognize f:. I decided not to ejcet the work FD and to stay in FDD all day long. It is not work FD but temp FD. 11:44 Mar02 GMT+9 Kiri198 blinks little Kiri198 watches Meas.txt in the other PC through LAN. Infinite loop program to watch occurred that LED of hub blinked very often. I used timer this time. It decreased the LED blinks drastically, though it samples 500 times per minute by default. The default sampling time is 120ms. I think that it is enough to get Measurements from Tektronix DSO TDS300 series at every minute. I also updated the program screen and decreased to the size of 82%. The original was W5550 x H2100. 16:32 Mar02 GMT+9 TDS298, Kiri198 and Slip2 worked with HTTPD server well
22:11 Mar07 GMT+9 Idle of TDS298 The new version of TDS298 happens to make truncated Meas.txt. I have reformed TDS298 not to use CPU at high rate. I think that this caused to interrupt Kiri198. I increased the value of Idle of TDS298, 300, 800 and 1500. Even the value of 1500, TDS298 made a truncated Meas.txt in one hour 15 minutes on WindowsXP Home of 400MHz PC. 15:25 Mar08 GMT+9 Patch work not to make truncated Meas.txt I decided to do patch work of TDS298 not to make truncated Meas.txt, rather than I do patch of Kiri198. I did trial and error, I finished. As the result, TDS298 does not make truncated Meas.txt even if Idle is only one. TDS298 ver1.01.0004 runs well for 14.5 hours. The conditions of TDS298 are 9600bps, Measurements:1, COM1, Idle:1, Duration:1. The receiving conditions of Kiri198 1.00.0031 are Idle:1000, Sampling:1200. They run on Windows98 of 400MHz PC. However, I do not know why TDS298 of old version worked well on WindowsXP Pro of 1.7GHz PC. Probably fast CPU might cover up the defect. 19:07 Mar09 GMT+9 How to use DoEvents with MSCOMM I have been writing readme text to revise TDS298 while running TDS298 and Kiri198 on WindowsXP Home of 400MHz PC. Kiri198 occurred 'Input past end of file' in one hour 25 minutes. I increased to the value of Idle 1500 in Kiri198. I ran them, but Kiri198 showed 'Truncated Meas.txt: 0 Bytes'. I gave up the patch work. I decided to debug serious. I know where the bug occurs. It is about MSCOMM. I have written a tiny finite loop in serial communication. Although I wanted to do infinite loop and DoEvents to wait for receiving data, MSCOMM does not accept DoEvents. I tried building the receiving codes outside of MSCOMM. I could do infinite loop and DoEvents. I ran TDS298 synchronized and Kiri198 on Windows98 of 400MHz PC. Idle of TDS298 and is 1. Measurement is 4. Kiri198 is the same before as Idle:1500, Sampling:1200. TDS298 and Kiri198 worked for 11h02m and 12h24m. 11:43 Mar12 GMT+9 Long description of prefers UTF-7 than UTF-8 I uploaded the new version of TDS298 yesterday. As always, I was troublesome with long description of TDS298. Although I prepared it by UTF-8, refused because of non English keyborad character. I paseted each line in the long description box and click NEXT. I confirmed the next step and click BACK. I repeated again and again. I found that a space key was zenkaku space used in Japanese text. Zenkaku space is double space of hankaku compatible to ASCII. My using dditor Hidemaru does not support ASCII any more. I tried encoding the long description by UTF-7. Oh, mojibake appeared. The staff of would see it. I adopt UTF-7 instead of UTF-8, though UTF-7 is obsolete. I suppose that commons in the US read and write English in ASCII even now. It means that UTF-8 is not suitable for me to write in English, because the US people seem not to read English by UTF-8. I stop beginning to write html by UTF-8. IE8 shows encoding Unicode (UTF-8). Wikipedia in English tells that UTF-8 surpassed ASCII untill 2007. In fact, I changed auto recognition of encoding of IE8 for UTF-8, and the long description text box of became fast a little. Uploaders to CNET had better not to use UTF-8 for ASCII. Should I go backward shift_jis Japanese code too, because shift_jis is more efficient than UTF-8. UTF-8 needs 3 bytes to express a Japanese character.[10] 23:44 Mar12 GMT+9 Priority of TDS298 or Algorithm I started and ran TDS298 1.01.07, Kiri198 and Slip2 on WindowsXP Pro of 1.7GHz at 17:33, but Kiri198 stopped because of receiving truncated Meas.txt at 2:31, the next day 11:35. I changed the value of Idle of TDS298 to 100. But Kiri198 stopped at 11:59. I changed priority of TDS298 from normal to real-time at 14:42. Yokogawa tells higher priority of logging data of recorders at page 42.[11] Or should I change the TDS298 program? I took DoEvents in infinite loop, but TDS298 has to pass CPU utilization for other tasks. How does Windows run at real time? I knew that WindowsNT does real time processing by 10ms time slice,[12] but I confirmed that 1ms of sleep was effective to decrease CPU utilization on Windows98. Another table shows priority of process and thread.[13] I changed priority of TDS298 at real-time, and I ran TDS298, Kiri198 and Slip2 on WindowsXP Pro of 1.7GHz PC. An hour later, Kiri198 showed Msg of truncated Meas.txt. Priority is not related at all. 17:47 Mar14 GMT+9 Handshaking of TDS298 or input buffer As for bug of truncated Meas.txt, I doubted handshaking and changed comRTS, but the bug happened in 31 minutes on Windows98 of 400MHz PC. I replaced input buffer for a fixed string not to chang the contents of Meas.txt. The new TDS298 worked for 7 hours 28 minutes on Windows98 of 400MHz PC, but it made truncated Meas.txt in one hour 29 minutes on WindowsXP Pro of 1.7GHz PC. Does TDS298 truely make truncated Meas.txt? I reviewed Kiri198 coding again and removed check of truncated Meas.txt. I also changed format of right time expression. 18:18 Mar14 GMT+14 Windows Update stopped my experiment I have run TDS298, Kiri198 and Slip2 to confirm whether to happen to an error or not all day long on WindowsXP Pro of 1.7GHz PC. The PC is for server of my site. Windows updated in the early morning and stopped my experiment. I opened Slip2 and found that Slip2 recorded the latest record at 07:22. I stopped auto-update Windows. I had set up at 7:00. It was the worst time because more most of visitors to my site accessed after 3 am to 8 am. After all the new version of Kiri198 and TDS298 were working for 21 hours 31 minutes. 12:16 Mar15 GMT+9 Mojibake occurs in utf-7 I wrote readme text in utf-7 and read it. I found some symbols mojibake. They were \ (+AFW-), @ (+AEA-), % (+ACU-), + (+-), _ (+-AF8-). I gave up using utf-7. Editor Hidemaru prepares for oubun (Latin). Mojibake disappeared in Latin, but the font of Courier New is big width. I made oubun independent in Hidemaru, so Hidemaru displayed some fonts applicapable for oubun. But more than half do not show '\' correct. Only Courier, Courier New, Lucida Console and MingLiU showed correct. I adopted Courier. Courier has only three sizes of font 9.8, 12 and 15. 22:21 Mar16 GMT+9 Mojibake of symbols occurs in utf-7 I have read readme text of TDS298 coded in utf-7 by Editor Hidemaru. I found some symbols mojibake. They were [ (+AFs-), ] (+AFO-, / ( +ACY- ), \\ (+AFwAXA-). I encoded in oubun (Latin), and fixed them saved in the revised readme txt. I do not know why Hidemaru does not encode utf-7 correct. But I knew why utf-7 shows space correct and Latin encodes good.[14][15] 23:27 Mar18 GMT+9 VB4: Graph control I try drawing lines graph in Slip2. VB4 supports a custom control for graph by Bits Per Second. I could not draw it as I wanted to at first. Googling, I looked for a hint to draw in Japanese but I could not find it. I began reading VB4 reference p87-154. The reference writes "select the GraphData property in the Properties window". There is a GraphData property, but I cannot select. I found that there is another GraphData property in Custom of Properties. I made trial and error for a week in little. I could draw a line, but the custom control drew crossing lines when I wanted two lines in a graph. That troubled me a week. After all I spent a few weeks to draw lines graph. I think that there are too undocumented rules to draw. It reminds me of stumbling to draw a graph when I bought a PC for the first time more than 25 years ago. The PC has 8086 compatible CPU called V30. It has ROM BASIC called N88-BASIC. I tried drawing a graph by N88-BASIC, but I gave up. The PC also has Japanese ROM font and GDC (Graphic Device Controller) to draw. I got a job to develop image processing sensor for FA (Factory Automation). Such a device was expensive and difficult for a worker to handle in the field those days. It seemed that there big needs for FA especially assembly electronic boards. The project was to develop simple and cheap. Then a maker announced to sell such a device simple and fast. We did not know why the device was fast and cheap. One staff opened the box and found the secret. The GDC by NEC was used for image processing. The designer of the maker did not use high performance CPU. The GDC operated AND or OR faster than expensive high performance CPU. The imaging sensor drove out other expensive ones by small makers. The NEC itself sold out its machinery divison to product assembly board or inserter for Canon. Nobody does not think to use GDC by NEC for FA among our staffs, though we usually used NEC PCs. The application was beyond NEC management staff's thought. Kodak also had great technology about image processing, but Kodak was bankrupt. NEC and its workers agreed to cut their salaries 4% this year. NEC was a brilliant company of Japan 20 years ago. Bussiness is interesting. 15:25 Mar19 GMT+9 Temperature of HDDs
18:01 Apr01 GMT+9 Estimate life of HDD
0:00 Apr02 GMT+9 Win98 does not include SMART of HDD CrystalDiskInfo does not support Win98, but HDD Ondokei does. I downloaded it and tried installing. But MsgBox showed, "Smartvsd.vxd file ga mitukarimasen". Microsoft tells to move smartvsd.vxd to Windows\System\Iosubsys from Windows\System. Strange. I have looked for it, but none. I looked for information in Dell's site. Dell explains as follows,
13:15 Apr02 GMT+9 Binary editor Stirling My application Slip2 changed data format to record Measurements of Tektronix Oscilloscope TDS310. I would prepare two procedures at first. But one will not get Measurements by old data format. I thought that a binary editor could modify the old data. I downloaded Stirling and tried adding an integer data. But I found difficult to add a data, though I could delete. So I divided two parts of old data format and new ones. Stirling can refer to data in one's defined structure definition. It is very useful. 13:49 Apr04 GMT+9 Application with a graph by VB4 does not run on WinXP I programmed an application with a graph by VB4's custiom control graph32.ocx. I copied graph32.ocx, gsw32.exe and gswdll32.dll to Windows\System of WindowsXP Home. But error MsgBox told, "Run-time error '11' : Division by zero", otherwise the application works well on Windows98. A few sites tells some additonal dlls to work graph32.ocx on WindowsXP.[19][20] So I added olepro32.dll, msvcrt40.dll, mfc40.dll and mfcans32.dll. But the same error MsgBox appeared. I thought SetupWizard of VB4 would tell essential dlls. I ran it, but errorMsgBox showed,
File not found An error occurred trying to rebuild the project's .EXE or .DLL 20:07 Apr05 GMT+9 Which of VB6 or VB2010 is low cost for me?
What kind of SDRAM do I get to increase memory? Looking at User's guide of Dell GX240, there are two notches on the connector part and memory architecture is 133MHz SDRAM. OKWave site shows that CL2 of SDRAM does not work on GX240.[22] Strange! The SDRAM of does not synchronize at CL3, does it? A site describes about CAS Latency.[23] Looking at auction site, there is Registered type. What is it? I found that Registered is one clock slower than usual Unbuffered type.[24] 0:54 Apr06 GMT+9 512MB of PC133 SDRAM is more expensive than twice DDR2-533 VB2010 needs 1GB memory, but my 1.7GHz PC has only 256MB. It is capable of 133MHz SDRAM by Dell's User guide of GX240. 512MB of the PC133 SDRAM is ¥1260 on sale, while DDR 1GB of DDR2-533 is ¥1100. Newer type memory is cheaper per MB than older one. I bought the PC last summer. I had better buy newer model a little. Looking for used 512MB of PC133 SDRAM, I found it in Rakuten. I registered my personal information in the site. Rakuten requests mobile phone number to register. Rakuten collects personal mobile phone e-mail addresses. Mobile phone address is much valued than usual email address for Rakuten. I bought two memories, Transcend's 512MB SDRAM 168Pin DIMM PC133 Unbuffer Non-ECC.[25] I found that CL = 3 in Transcend site. Transcend sells PC133 even now, though Buffalo finihsed it.
Yahoo Japan site occurs IE6 error Yahoo Japan site always occurs IE6 error on Windows98, when I clicked an article of topics. MsgBox shows, "Mondai ga hassei sitatame, Microsoft Internet Explorer wo shuryo shimasu..." I looked into Yahoo Japan's Help, I changed options of Java aplet script and privacy, but the result was the same. I looked at contents of error, the cause was flash9n.ocx. I knew why WindowsXP Home does not occure such errors, because WindowsXP and 400MHz are not capable for flash player. So I did not install any flash player on WindowsXP of 400MHz PC. Yahoo Japan says, "We support IE6. You should update flash player version." In fact, we may have to install flash player version 10 to see its page. It needs CPU faster than 450MHz. Should I uninstall flash player on Windows98? 1:06 Apr08 Has Java's new version occurred to display bad? I saw Java's icon on task bar of 1.7GHHz PC. I clicked to install new version. A few day later I have found that Ninja site shows larger fonts not as usuall and Livedoor Blog shows horizontal scroll. And Gmail shows unusual dots in the rows of mail list. I changed screen resolution 1280x1024 from 1024x786. Horizontal scroll of Livedoor Blog site disappeared and unusual big fonts of Ninja site got small. But Gmail was the same. I changed kan-i (simple) HTML for HTML. The dots disappeared but it takes much time to display. I confirmed the new Java's version6 update31. I also confirmed old Version 6 Update 29 of 400MHz PC. Java's system requirement are,
Is commit charge the same as paging files?
14:30 Apr09 GMT+9 How to remove the power supply of GX240
I always feel irritated to access to the Dell's support site. I learned English documents is faster than Japanese. Strange. 15:43 Apr10 GMT+9 Power supply for Dell's small form-factor
But the color code is different from the table. The table shows the real color code of Dell's model of HP-L161NF3P. Some sites describes how to test power supply. If green P14 of shortens wiht black P13 or P15, the fan rotates. However, a power supply maker explains that the way might not be OK if the power supply flows 2A of 5VDC. Anyway I ordered Amazon SFX power supply. The fan does not rotate smooth, when I rotate by finger. The rating of the brushless fan is 12V 0.12A of ADDA brand. The dimension and model are 60x60x10 mm and AD0612MS-GA0. 12VDC broke, didn't it? The FDD broke down just before, But HDD has just worked. Almost of secondary chemical capaitors have swelled. Googling, I knew that the fan is not on sale. I gave up repairing the Dell small form-factor power supply. 19:13 Apr10 GMT+9 Life of ADDA fan I accessed to ADDA site and looked at the specifications of AD06, but life is not shown.[29] While Sicoh giken shows life. A fan of Sicoh has 30000 hours life at 3000 rpm. If it works all day long, it has only 3.4 years life. If I bought a used Dell's small form-factor. The fan will not rotate enough speed. And I cannot get 10.5mm thick one at once in Japan. 20:52 Apr10 GMT+9 Compare GX240 power supply with ordinary small form one
Although 66MHz PC has AT power supply, the power supply cannot use for ATX because AT does not have 3.3V output. I show the dimensions of Dell small form-factor and SFX230 (micro ATX).
I bought Ichi's power supply SFX230.[31] The dimensions are completely different from Dell's.
21:58 Apr12 GMT+9 IE8 occupies CPU even after closing the windows I found that IE8 occupies CPU after closing the windows. Task Manager shows that IE8 uses 97% of CPU and 153,348KB resources. Commit charge is 466MB. LED on the front panel does not ligt on. It seems IE8 or Windows does not release memories. Strange. I enforced to finish IE8. CPU utilization decreased to 4%. 1:05 Apr11 400MHz PC works as Httpd server temporarily I installed server application AN HTTPD on 400MHz PC because of breakdown of 1.7GHz PC. I have confirmed that Httpd server works by WebSitePulse. I choiced Java option to display a bar time chart because 400MHz PC does not have flash player. I had better learn Java script to display graphs in my site. I also tested R-PC10.htm of 79.41KB. It took 1.8943sec. The transfer rate is 41.9 KB/s. My nominal upward transfer rate is 100Mbps. Where is the bottle neck to show poor result?
16:66 Apr11 GMT+9 HDD power connector pin assignment I removed 4P power connector of the internal HDD in Dell GX240 to remove power supply. I try inserting the connector again, but there is no boss not to insert wrong. Googling, I looked for the power connector pin assignment. I could not find. I try removing the HDD and confirming the pin assignment. Oh, the HDD is stick to the back. I found no bracket to fix and remove. The last owner fixed the HDD with the frame by rubber adhesive. It means that I cannot replace the HDD when it breaks down. I am disapppointed to the deal last summer. Reading at Dell's referrence and trouble shooting guide, it describes, 'seikakuni sashikomi ga dekiru youni chousetusareta 4pin connector ga tuiteimasu'. I found that there is two chamfered corners on the long side, viewing from the tip. It was a relief to fail safe. Ichi's SFX230 has one small 4P connector for FDD or DVD. GX240 has both of FDD and DVD drive. So I am to reuse Dell's small form-factor connector harness for HDD, FDD and DVD drive. The Dell's 4P connector is peculiar. It is angle type and has a branch. 0:43 Apr13 GMT+9 GX240 CPU fan I am afraid of breakdown of GX240 CPU fan, as the power supply fan has broken. I looked for the model of the CPU fan. Minebea calls it blower fan motor.[32] The model is BG0903-B044-VTL. It means,
13:19 Apr13 GMT+9 Extend harness for power supply SFX230 I bought 20P harness for extension of 45cm to connect SFX230 power supply. I will the SFX230 outside the GX240 body. I cut wires of 4P connector for mother board and harness for HDD and CD-ROM. I reused the 4P connector and harness for HDD, FDD and CD-ROM. I connected them with SFX wires. I could elongated the length enough. I tested step by step watching BIOS message on the monitor because I am anxiout about extension of power line. I was taught to lay power line short considering noise effect. The bus clock of GX240 is 100MHz. WindowsXP Pro launched at last. I confirmed 256MB of memory by property of my computer. I turned of power switch and pulled out the AC cable. I changed the 256MB for 512MB. I turned on and confirmed 512MB. I added 512MB of memory and confirmed 1024MB by BIOS screen and my computer property. I tried IE8 and YouTube. I feel decreased access to HDD. I think 256MB was little for IE8. 19:53 Apr14 GMT+9 400MHz PC can watch TBS News-i I happened to access to TBS i to confirm to the volume control of audio. TBS News-i has another option not to use flash player.[33] I could watch a news letter clip by Windows Media player 9 on WindowsXP Home, though the site shows "Saishin no Flash plug-in wo goriyou kudasai" at first. Windows Media player indicates the transfer rate of 291Kbps during the video clip. In fact, the transfer has already finished because the hub of access LED did not blink at all. My line has 100Mbps bandwidth. 17:32 Apr15 GMT+9 AC cable with SFX230 I have used a AC cable with 2.35m long for 1.7GHz PC (GX240). A new power supply SFX230 attached a AC cable with 1.3m long. The cable allows 7A. Japanese makers usually use 6A cable for small power devices. I changed the long AC cable for the new short one. 23:18 Apr15 GMT+9 Function Shell of VB4 returns long value I tried implanting function Shell in my new integrated application. But MsgBox shows, "run-time error : 6 'overflow'". I looked for overflow in Help file of VB4.
The result of an assignment, calculation, or data type conversion is too large to be represented within the range of values allowed for that type of variable. Assign the value to a variable of a type that can hold a larger range of values. An assignment to a property exceeds the maximum value the property can accept. Make sure your assignment fits the range for the property to which it is made. For additional information, select the item in question and press F1. 20:11 Apr17 GMT+9 VB4: Mystery of MsgBox I sometimes write MsgBox to program by VB4. MsgBox does not show the title correct with vbOKCancel and vbExclamation together. I found that I should conbine them with '+' not but '&'. Help file of VB describes to code buttons. 16:36 Apr19 GMT+9 Rebuilt Dell GX240
20:31 Apr20 GMT+9 Why did YouTube adopt Adobe Flash player? As I could watch TBS news-i video clip by Windows Media player, I looked for the minimun requirements of YouTube.[34] I checked them for 400MHz PC. Chip set 440BX of 400MHz PC may not use PC133 SDRAM as video RAM. Even if I replaced the 400MHz CPU for 500MHz, the mother board has video chip on board not but with a video card. 440BX or the on-board video chip are the neck of improvement. I don't know why YouTube adopted Adobe Flash Player.
VB4: Common Dialog Boxes custom control works on WindowsXP I have not used Common Dialog Boxes custom control in programming a few applications by VB4, though I did almost 20 years ago. I have just tried it in Slip21 applicaion this time. VB4 Help file describes that FileName property gets a choiced file name. In fact, the file name includes path name. It is useful for me. I could arrange Slip21 easily, but I was afraid of working on WindowsXP. I made Slip21.exe and tried running on WindowsXP. MsgBox appeared, "Can't load (or register) custom control 'COMDLG32.OCX'" I confirmed that there is none in Windows and its sub directories. I copied it in C:\Windows\System to the WindowsXP directory. I ran Slip21 and worked. I was afraid that it might not work because the appearance is different in Windows98 from WindowsXP. The later OS is compatible as for the old custom control dated in 1999. The Common Dialog Boxes could decrease a text box for input. 15:26 Apr23 GMT+9 [1] SCANDSK no jikkou [2] AN HTTPD option settei [3] Kaigai kaisen speed test [4] FinePix series digital camera-you no USB driver(Windows ban) [5] Gazou keishiki no chigai [JPEG/GIF/PNG] [6] VB4 nandemo Guide sono-2 [7] 自作 no free soft wo 海外(英語圏) ni 紹介 shitaino desuga [8] Application wo 動作 saseteinai 場合 demo, 常 ni processor 使用率 ga 20% kara 60% 前後 wo 推移 suru [9] 現在各 performance object de active ni natteiru performance counter wo 検出 shimasu [10] UTF toha nanika [11] Data Logging PC Software [12] p.14 WindowsNT operating system no hyouka [13] WindowsOS ni okeru process 優先度 to thread 優先度 [14] Encode no shurui [15] Unicode no encoding [16] HDD ondokei ver1.2 [17] Hard disk no jyumyou [18] Google no ketsuron "S.M.A.R.T ni motozuki jyumyouyosoku ha yakunitatazu, HDD ha totsuzensi suru" [19] ChartBuilder v4.0J demo nituite [20] VB 6.0 - graph32 ocx error [21] Memory maruwakari guide [22] OptiPlex GX240 no memory zousetu ni tuite [23] Latency no ohanashi [24] Memory ni matuwaru spec no yomikata [25] 512MB Memory for Desktop SDRAM (PC133), Non-ECC, Unbuffered 168 PIN [26] Hituyou memory size wo mi-kiwameru [27] Removing the Power Supply [28] Dell no dengen unit [29] AD6010 [30] SDRAM module no miwakekata [31] SFX230 [32] DC fan motor kyoutu siyou [33] Joung ga enzetsu, hajimeteno nikusei [34] YouTube de douga wo mirutameni hitsuyouna system youken © 2011-2012 Enoki Sensor All Rights Reserved |