My site history


  1. Enoki' site has stopped Google Analytics 2025-03-09
  2. Enoki has begun selling discharger PCB at Mercari 2025-03-06
  3. office has moved to Mizuo-cho 2024-06-01
  4. TWE #4 & #6 will stop today for a while 2024-05-25
  5. #6 has been stopped on 2024-05-07 at 2.7V and replaced at 3.15V 2024-05-09
  6. TWE LR6 batteries worked #4 for 488 days 2023-06-05
  7. TWE #6 reactivated transmitting 2022-05-14
  8. #6 has stopped transmitting 2022-05-10
  9. #4 has stopped because of low batteries voltage 2.27V 2022-02-10
  10. Old Dell has reactivated as latest Linux with SSM 2021-09-06
  11. Got Sakura IoT LTE modules for STM32 and M5Stack 2021-08-14
  12. Changed illuminance into light power unit [W/m2] 2021-06-26
  13. Enoki will stop real-time uploading at eonet 2021-04-24
  14. Pre lease slip21a.exe sending alarm for K-9 or Gmail mobile phone on Windows xp later 2021-02-05
  15. #4 has stopped because of low batteries voltage 2.26V 2021-01-11
  16. #7 has begun watching level down 2020-05-02
  17. X300 alarmed at 05:08 2020-04-03
  18. X300 alarmed in the rain at 17:42 2020-04-01
  19. X300 alarmed at 22:27 2020-03-20
  20. X300 has been stopped because of Eneloop -0.24V 2020-03-07
  21. X300 has been stopped at 2.53V of the batteries voltage 2020-01-08
  22. X300 alarmed well because it rained 2019-12-27
  23. Real-time report won't update till 6:00 on 2019-12-17 because of eonet server maintenance 2019-12-14
  24. Report "A Chinese DC-DC converter test" upload 2019-12-05
  25. "Comparison and evaluation between TWE and XBee" moved to Reports 2019-11-27
  26. AP disorder occurred no updating data, AP reset resumed the updating at 11:40 2019-10-25
  27. The remote PC had stopped till 09-02 through 2019-08-23 2:30, undoing to restart at an instantaneous blackout 2019-09-26
  28. My tiny crowd funding project kicked off 2019-06-09
  29. The site will stop at 0:00 on 2019-05-15 for a few hours to maintenance its server 2019-05-14
  30. Slip21 stopped to test a repeater 15:10 - 15:30 2019-02-20
  31. Remote PC stopped to update system, and resumed 2019-01-26
  32. Remote PC stops ftp to eonet for a test 2019-01-24
  33. Slip21 worked almost 400 hours., it stopped to to do an experiment and resumed 2019-01-16
  34. has approved Slip21 2018-12-25
  35. Slip21 ran for 100 hours continuously on 400 MHz PC 2018-12-20
  36. Slip21 resumed #4 & #6 field measurement 2018-12-12
  37. Slip21 began to generate TWE.txt by 2 I2C sensors 2018-12-06
  38. TWE #6 update firmware and rebuilt to add another illuminance sensor in AUX box 2018-12-01 2018-12-01
  39. TWE #4 ファームウェア アップデートし気温の他に照度センサ付加改造 2018-11-29 2018-11-30
  40. TWE #4 & #5 stopped to rebuild at 8:30 on 2018-11-29 2018-11-29
  41. TWE #6 stopped to rebuild at 16:00 on 2018-11-25 2018-11-25
  42. TWE have resumed at 22:00 on 2018-11-13 2018-11-14
  43. TWE will stop at 20:00 on 2018-11-09 for 4 days 2018-11-09
  44. #2 34 days life with Impulse at terminal voltage 2.40V / XBee 電池寿命フィールド試験結果更新 2018-11-08
  45. I2C sensors work less than nominal power voltage / 終止電圧と律則デバイス 2018-10-04
  46. #4 180 days life with mix of R1=1.210V EV1=0.933V / TWE 電池寿命フィールド試験結果更新 2018-09-24
  47. Update deteriorated battery life of TWE #6 163 days / TWE 電池寿命フィールド試験結果更新 2018-09-21
  48. Z axis rotation constrain hardly effects LQI / Z軸回転 LQI 影響なし 2018-09-20
  49. Double shade hardly effects LQI / 二重笠 LQI 影響ない 2018-09-19
  50. I2C センサによるアナログ温度センサ補正 I2C sensor corrects analog temperature sensors 2018-09-17
  51. The parent happens to miss receiving nearly at LQI 40 / LQI 40 受信ミス発生 2018-09-07
  52. Report: TWE decreases LQI sharp near wall outdoor, is it? / TWE 外壁の LQI 急激減少か?2018-09-01
  53. Upload #4 #5 and #6 photo of TWE devices / #4 #5 #6 TWE 機器写真アップロード 2018-08-29
  54. Updated Battery life report of TWE in field test / TWE 電池寿命フィールド試験結果更新 2018-08-19
  55. Shown XBee power supply sag wave dissipated by R14 batteries / 消耗 R14 電池による XBee 電源サグ波形公開 2018-05-01
  56. Noted ESR values of ceramic capacitors in electroric catalog / セラミックコンデンサカタログに ESR 実測値を追記 2018-04-27
  57. Shown how to confirm .NET Framework version in Slip21 manual / マニュアルに .NET Framework version の確認方法記載 2018-04-25
  58. Comparative table with TWE and XBee on top page / TWE と XBee の比較表掲載 2018-04-15
  59. Daily realtime chart on a free site / 無料ホームページ上リアルタイム日報チャート 2018-04-13
  60. #2 & #4 transmitting interval have changed to 3 min / #2 & #4 送信間隔3分に変更 2018-03-27
  61. Just begun fastners & electronic passive parts on sale / 締結 & 電子部品販売開始 2018-03-09
  62. Evolta & Daiso NiMH worked 159 days (#4 TWE) / Evolta & Daiso NiMH により #4 TWE を 159 日 駆動 2018-03-06
  63. 「特定商取引法に基づく表記」を明示 2018-02-23
  64. Revised privacy policy in Japanese / プライバシーポリシー改訂 2018-02-22
  65. Moved #2 indoor / #2 屋内へ移動 2017-11-14
  66. Deteriorated NiMH worked #5 for 134 days / 劣化 NiMH #5 134 日間作動 2017-11-06
  67. Deteriorated NiCd worked #4 for 99 days / 劣化 NiCd #4 99日間作動 2017-09-29
  68. Begun humidity sensor field test / 湿度センサフィールド試験開始 2017-09-28
  69. Added water proof and battery holder harness example / 防水およびバッテリホルダハーネス追加 2017-09-24
  70. Changed inquiry email address / 問い合わせ先メールアドレス変更 2017-09-10
  71. Updated my measurement system diagram / my measurement system ダイアグラム更新 2017-09-10
  72. #2 XBee battery life lasted 361 days / #2 XBee 電池寿命 361 日間 2017-09-09
  73. Uploaded daily reports in July / 8月度日報をアップロード 2017-09-06
  74. approved Slip21 / が Slip21 認証 2017-09-04
  75. Updated Battery life report of TWE in field test / TWE 電池寿命フィールド試験結果更新 2017-09-01
  76. 'Building DIY wireless illuminometer' moved to Reports /「ワイヤレス照度計の簡単製作法」を Reports に移動 2017-08-28
  77. approved Slip21 / が Slip21 認証 2017-08-24
  78. Uploaded daily reports in July / 7月度日報アップロード 2017-08-16
  79. Done TWE range ability test / TWE レンジテスト実施 2017-07-09
  80. 'How to view the measurement anywhere' moved to Reports / 「スマホに測定値を表示する方法」を Reports 移動 2017-07-09
  81. TWE battery life might be longer than XBee for deteriorated NiCd / TWE バッテリ寿命は XBee より長いかもしれない 2017-07-08
  82. Available to display Fahrenheit temperature / 華氏温度表示可 2017-07-03
  83. Uploaded daily reports in June / 6月度日報をアップロード 2017-07-02
  84. Updated Battery life in Reports list / Reports 一覧中のバッテリ寿命を更新 2017-07-01
  85. TWE-Lite buying information at / TWE-Lite を で購入2017-06-14
  86. Added field test photos in Reports list / フィールド試験の様子を Reports 一覧に追加 2017-06-11
  87. 'Wireless sensor app list for agriculture in Japan' moved to Reports / 農用に使えそうなワイヤレスセンサ一覧 Reports に移動 2017-06-08
  88. Power supply & Ambient temperature conditions moved to Reports / 電源および動作温度条件 Reports に移動 2017-06-05
  89. Uploaded daily reports in May / 5月度日報をアップロード 2017-06-04
  90. Draft effect article moved to Reports / 記事ファンの影響を Reports に移動 2017-05-15
  91. Enoki's new site supports SSL communication / 新サイト SSL 通信を採用 2017-05-12
  92. Have uploaded daily report in April / 4月度日報アップロード 2017-05-07
  93. The article of Mix of deteriorated NiMH and NiCd moved to Reports / 劣化 NiMH と NiCd の混用を Reports に移動 2017-05-06
  94. The article of TWE peak current measurement moved to Reports 2017-04-29 / TWE ピーク電流測定を Reports に移動
  95. #4 & #5 driven by TWE started measuring temperature and illuminance / TWE による#4 と #5 が温度と照度を測定開始2017-04-29
  96. Panasonic Mn battery life might be shorter than Daiso's original brand /パナMn寿命が短いか,レポート参照2017-04-09
  97. Uploaded daily report charts in February and March / 2, 3月の日報チャートをアップロード 2017-04-02
  98. Broken down XBee of #1 was replaced for #3, and replaced old 37g desiccant for new 32g one. / #1 XBee 故障のため#3と交換,併せて 37g 乾燥剤を新しい 32g と交換2017-03-28
  99. #2 battery life of NiMH Eneloop is 51 days, See battery life in my reports. / #2 Eneloop 寿命 51日間,バッテリ寿命レポート参照 2017-03-18
  100. Have uploaded mix of deteriorated NiMH and NiCd. / 劣化 NiMH と NiCd の混用をアップロードしました。2017-02-26
  101. Have uploaded daily report charts in December 2016. / 12月の日報チャートをアップロードしました。2017-02-23
  102. Have measured the peak consumption current of TWE. / TWE のピーク消費電流を測定しました。2017-02-22
  103. Have updated the block diagram of Measurement system. / 測定系のブロック図を更新しました。2017-02-22
  104. The top page article of battery life in field test have moved to Reports. / トップページ記載の電池寿命フィールド試験結果を Reports に移動しました。2017-02-19
  105. 3回に渡る NiMH の終末電圧低下のチャートを示しました。/ Shown chart of NiMH terminal voltage drop of the same batteries three times. 2017-02-14
  106. ファンの影響を記載しました。 / Have described draft effect 2017-02-09
  107. 1月の室温気温チャートの日報を当サイトにアップロードしました。2017-02-02 / Have Uploaded daily temperature charts in January
  108. 今月の室温気温チャートの日報を当サイトにアップロードしています。2017-01 / Uploaded daily temperature charts this month
  109. 室温気温チャートの日報を Blogger に1箇月間投稿しました 2016-12-25 / Have Uploaded daily temperature charts for a month everyday
  110. が Slip21 ver を認証しました 2016-11-22 / approved Slip21 ver
  111. 温度センサ補正に使用する高精度デジタル温度センサの AVR 実行コードを公開しました 2016-11-17 / I uploaded high precision digital sensor binary code for AVR to correct temperature sensor
  112. 自作定電流定電圧駆動充電器改良 2016-09-26 / 充電流をモニタする充電器を製作しました
  113. Slip21: ADC 出力を表示できるように MCU 画面幅サイズを拡大しました / Slip21: The width of MCU screen enlarged to display ADC outputs 2016-09-15
  114. Daiso アルカリ電池寿命フィールド試験の結果,電池交換電圧閾値が求められました / Got threshold voltage to replace Daiso alkaline batteries 2016-06-05
  115. ワイヤレス温度センサの精度を高精度 HDC1000 を用いて評価しました / Evaluated accuracy of wireless temperature sensor in reference with HDC1000 2016-05-05
  116. Slip21: ワイヤレス温度センサの補正用に有線 MCU プログラムを復活追加しました。 / Added MCU program for correcting wireless temperature sensors. 2016-04-28
  117. 農用に使えそうなワイヤレスセンサ一覧を追加しました。 / Added wireless sensors list for agriculture. 2016-04-11
  118. Slip21: 有線 MCU に対するポーリング応答出力のリスト表示機能を追加しました。 / Added wired MCU output list by polling. 2016-04-08
  119. 太陽の輻射熱の影響を軽減した日除けに変更した写真を公開します。 / Shown the photo that the sun transfers radiation might effect a little than ever. 2016-04-05
  120. 冬期を含む長期電池損耗フィールド試験結果を示しました。 / Shown the batteries dissipation results of field test in winter. 2016-03-20
  121. 回線速度低下について考察しました。Reports にある Others 中の My FTTH records をクリックして下さい。 / Surveyed my FTTH speed lowering, Click My FTTH records in Others of Reports. 2016-03-04
  122. ニードルノズルの分解ができなくなった石油ファンヒータの埃堆積写真をアップロードしました。 / Uploaded photos to have tried repairing kerosene fan heater 2016-02-29
  123. Vector の Slip21 詳細説明変更を確認しました。 / I confirmed that Vector changed description of Slip21 2016-02-15
  124. Slip21 Version が で公開されました。 / activated Slip21 Version 2016-02-10
  125. Reports: Slip21 用 XBee Configuration を説明しています。2016-02-06

ソフト Applications

  1. 2014-02-27 Vector showed corrected screen shot caption
  2. 2014-02-19 approved Slip21 ver1.0.1.5
  3. 2013-01-10 I confirmed the new screenshots of Slip21 ver1.1.1.1 at Vector
  4. 2013-01-03 approved Slip21 ver1.1.1.1
  5. 2012-12-27 approved TDS298 ver1.3.0.0
  6. 2012-12-26 Vector published TDS298
  7. 2012-10-02 approved TDS2981.2.0.0
  8. 2012-09-28 Vector published TDS298
  9. 2012-08-23 Vector published Slip21
  10. 2012-03-22 Vector published TDS298
  11. 2012-03-21 Vector published Kiri1981.0.0.33
  12. 2012-03-20 approved TDS2981.0.1.11
  13. 2012-03-17 approved Kiri198
  14. 2012-03-15 Vector published TDS298
  15. 2012-03-14 approved TDS298
  16. 2012-03-13 approved Slip2
  17. 2012-03-12 approved Kiri198 ver1.0.0.31
  18. 2012-03-06 approved TDS298 ver1.0.0.15
  19. 2012-03-09 Vector published Kiri198 ver1.0.0.31
  20. 2012-02-29 Vector published TDS298 ver1.0.0.15
  21. 2012-02-22 Vector published Slip2 ver1.0.0.6
  22. 2012-02-22 Vector published Kiri198 ver1.0.0.24
  23. 2010-11-15 Vector published TDS

Remote PC (server) & router ルータ & サーバ

  1. 2018-10-08 13:47 Remote PC shut down for maintenance to clean dust. It resumed at 14:54.
  2. 2017-05-07 22:37:17 Cman detected no ping, I confirmed that Cman log showed OK at 2017-05-08 00:26:58
  3. 2017-04-18 23:22:17 Cman detected no ping, I confirmed that Cman log showed OK at 2017-04-19 01:22:00
  4. 2017-04-04 10:07:17 Cman detected no ping, I confirmed that Cman log showed OK at 11:54:18
  5. 2017-03-20 14:42:17 Cman detected no ping, I confirmed that Cman log showed OK at 21:51:59
  6. 2017-02-21 16:42:17 Cman detected my router hung up, I confirmed that Cman log showed OK at 23:31:59
  7. 2017-02-11 11:12:17 My router hung up, I confirmed that Cman log showed OK at 13:12
  8. 2017-02-02 02:12 My router hung up, I confirmed that Cman log showed OK at 22:37
  9. 2017-01-20 01:52 I stopped my router to replace it, and Cman confirmed my tuning at 12:52 the next day
  10. 2017-01-18 08:22 My router hung up, and I confirmed my new DDNS effective at 10:22
  11. 2017-01-01 14:42 My router hung up, and I confirmed my new IP address effective at 17:52
  12. 2016-11-03 14:52 My site stopped to check OS, and restarted at 15:12
  13. 2016-10-09 23:07:17 My site IP address changed because of router reset, I confirmed DDNS worked at 10-10 01:32:02
  14. 2016-10-09 My Router reset at 14:34 because of unknown trouble. New IP is
  15. 2016-10-05 You will be unable to access my site ( because of eo net line construction during 2:00 to 6:00 Oct 18
  16. 2016-04-14 I confirmed that Cman recognized my new DDNS at 22:35:19, upload 8.14Mbps, download 2.29Mbps
  17. 2016-02-19 14:40 IP address:, Router working time: 55 日 1 時間 48 分, Speed(down/up): 25.07Mbps / 11.17Mbps
  18. 2015-12-26 11:22 Router troubled, and Cman recognized my new IP address at 15:11
  19. 2015-11-03 00:47:08 My router stopped, and Cman recognized my new IP address at 03:36:59
  20. 2015-10-20 You cannot access to my server because K-opticom will stop the line 2:00 - 5:00 on Oct 28
  21. 2015-07-22 02:42:17 Abrupt IP address changed, Confirmed ping 15:41:02
  22. 150702 00:24:40 IP address updated, Router work time:55d2h48m51s
  23. 150427 23:01:57 Closed to change work size of partition, Ready 23:14:25
  24. 150329: Stop 19:37:55 to exchange keyboard, ready 19:40:43
  25. 150102: Change domain name for
  26. Dec22: Server closed at 15:37:41 to update Windows and ready at 15:40:05
  27. Dec19: [New]Improved interface of semiconductor temperature sensor and App TDS298 in Reports
  28. Updated top page of Reports on Dec18
  29. Server closed at 10:36:31 to change into 120dpi(1280x1024) and ready at 10:38:48 on Dec18
  30. Server stopped at 20:29 and restarted at 20:32 to update OS on Dec12
  31. Linked my blog nabezoco, Moved old updated applications history to Reports on Dec02 (GMT+9)
  32. Fri Oct 05 15:04:53 2012 AN HTTPD 1.42p Closed to update Windows. Fri Oct 05 15:07:12 2012 AN HTTPD 1.42p Ready. (GMT+9)
  33. Sun Sep 23 10:03:07 2012 AN HTTPD 1.42p Closed to update Windows. Sun Sep 23 10:05:51 2012 AN HTTPD 1.42p Ready. (GMT+9)
  34. Mar18: Server closed at 18:35:58 to update Windows and Ready at 18:38:46
  35. Feb28: Server closed at 15:27:27 to update Windows and Ready at 15:29:44
  36. Feb16: Server closed at 17:18:03 to update Windows and Ready at 17:20:32
  37. Jan20: Server closed at 15:53:04 to update Windows and Ready at 15:55:19
  38. Jan10: Server closed at 16:47:13 to refresh and Ready at 16:47:14
  39. Jan08: Server closed at 17:39:45 to refresh and Ready at 17:39:46
  40. Server closed at 07:33:39 and resumed at 14:02:08 on Aug02 (GMT+9)
  41. Httpd header test 1.963s from NY at 01:43:36 Jul04 (GMT)
  42. will stop for half an hour in the morning on Jul04 (GMT+9)
  43. will stop for half an hour in the morning on Jul02 (GMT+9)
  44. resumed at 10:43 on Apr15 (GMT+9)
  45. The site stops for half an hour in the morning on Apr15 (GMT+9)
  46. The site resumed at 15:17 Apr11 (GMT+9)
  47. The site stops for a few hours at 15:00 Apr09 (GMT+9)
© 2012 - 2025 March 28