Glowing experiment by PWM driver |
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I made PWB (Print Wired Board) of PWM driver and chassis for it by my design. I did art work of the PWB and drawing of the chassis.
Glowing experiment |
A glow plug made by OS, type of A-3 shows various glowing conditions while turning the trimmer. I used 5VDC power supply.
Specifications |
Size | 45 x 76mm (1.77 x 2.99") |
Hole diameter ( 穴径 ) | 3.2mm (0.13") |
Hole pitch ( 穴ピッチ ) | 39 x 70mm (1.54 x 2.76") |
Registered at JPO, No.3132951
Vs ( power ) : input +3 to +15 VDC
COM ( GND ) : common or ground
SIG ( signal ) : external control input ( 外部制御入力 )
Load ( 負荷 )
+ : positive
- : negative
Switch function ( スイッチ機能 )
Circuit power on/off
LED current on/off for saving
Toggle : Load on/off
Jumper : Alternate external or internal control input
Dry contact ( 接点入力 )
Voltage input ( 電圧入力 )
Input high level ( 入力電圧 ): 3 to 16 VDC
Input signal current ( 入力信号電流 ): negligible uA
Current consumption ( 消費電流 ): 1 mA at 4.5V
PWM frequeny : 15 kHz
Trimmer Adjust equivalent constant current ( 電流調整 )
Weight 30g ( 1.1oz )
Application |
There are 4 principal applications how to use the driver.
- Fig.1 shows DC motor on/off control. PS is Power Supply.
- Fig.2 shows how to enlarge lower limit of engine rotation speed by glowing.
- Fig.3 shows an example for UAV or something. It is able to improve fuel comsumption by synchronized ignition signal in very lean condition.
- Fig.4 shows an example of a scale aircraft to have an internal starter to crank in remote operation.
Chassis |
Chassis example
The PWM driver board attaches a shassis of a Aluminum sheet of 0.8mm thick. The shassis hastwo female M3 threads for binding. It weighs 15g ( 0.53oz ) including a rubber bush, also weighs screws 5g ( 0.18oz ) and so on.
Distribution |
I would like to distribute it across the Pacific Ocean. Please inform me, if you are interested. Thank you.
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