
Road to Slip21 with realtime chart and TDS298 supports MCU


I have an old Tektronix DSO ( Digital Storage Oscilloscope ) TDS310 wiht RS232 serial port. I wrote an application named TDS.exe to get Measurements from TDS310. I have written Program TDS298 ver1.2.0.0 to get measurements of Tektronix DSO or Renesas MCU (Micro Controller Unit) H8/36x4F A/D outputs at every minute synchronized by PC calender clock, and write the result of measurements in text file of Meas.txt. PC calender clock is very precise with NTP (Network Time Protocol). It corrects PC clock in arbitrary time. TDS298 can also samples at arbitrary timer period.

TDS298 supports H8/3664F and Slip21 draws realtime chart

Program Slip21 shows the history of Measurements the latest first order and real-time chart. Slip21 is new version of Slip2. I had to give up supporting Win95/98 to show real-time chart for WinXP. Now TDS298 supports Win7 instead of Win95/98. Setup of TDS310 are 5KS/s ( 10ms/div ), 500 mV/div, no averaging sample. I measured outputs of two solar cells on 18 Febrauary 2012 (GMT+9). The first column is record number. The second column is date of yymmdd. The last four digits shows hh:mm. The following four columns are M1, M2, M3 and M4. I copied the output saved in Solar120218.txt in the list box of Slip2. Program Slip2 writes htm formatted table automatically. TDS298 can get A/D outputs of MPU Renesas H8/36x4 now, as I wrote a RS232 and A/D program for the MCU. I show the sreen shots of TDS298 and Slip21.
1:39 Feb21 GMT+9, Revised 10:10 Sep25, 3rd revised Oct01

Fig.1 TDS298 Setup
Fig.2 TDS298 Option
Fig.3 TDS298 Run
Fig.4 Old Kiri198
Fig.5 Slip2
Fig.6 Slip21 with chart
Tbl.1 Mode of Measurements

WinXP doesn't show chart properly developed by VB4

I was programming application Slip298 for Win95/98 and WinXP that shows real-time chart and the history of Measurements. I gave up drawing a chart that Slip298 works on Win95/98 and WinXP. So I have programmed Slip21 for WinXP/7 instead of Slip298. 2:23 Apr25 GMT+9, Revised Oct01, 2nd revised Oct10

I found that TDS298 developed by VB4+Win98 does not show a chart well on WinXP. Probably graph control does not work on WinXP properly. The graph control is done by GRAPH32.OCX, GSW32.EXE and GSWDLL32.DLL. So I migrated Slip298 for VB2010. I eliminated intermediate Kiri198 and renamed Slip2 for Slip21. CNET appoved it, and you can download.

MCU board is superior than DSO for long time measurement

The table shows the comparision with MCU 3664F and DSO TDS310 from the view of long term measurement. I bought TDS310 more than 15 years ago. There is my old TDS310 on a shelf. The shelf is taller than my head when I sit on chair. The big blower makes big noise. TDS310 emits more than 60W. While AKI-H8/3664F works at measured 0.06W only. It may dissipate less than 1W including power loss of power supply. The least enrgy comsumption is favor in Japanese tropical summer. TDS310 has two 8-bit A/D for 2CH and measures 2CH at the same time. 3664F has a 10-bit A/D with 4CH multiplexer. It scans 4 inputs fast.
15:59 Aug24 GMT+9, Revised Oct03

Tbl.2 Comparision 3664F and TDS310

Slip applied to record charging voltage for Ni-MH batteries

I sometimes charge a pair of Ni-MH batteries called Eneloop for Xbox360 wireless controller. I measured the power supply and application voltage as Measurement1 and Measurement2 of Tektronix DSO TDS310 with my tiny voltatge regulator. TDS298, Kiri198 got their Measurements. Slip2 listed and recorded the Measurements. I started the measurement at 00:02 on 6 March. Then the application voltage was 2.361V. I finished charging at the application voltage of 2.820V at 11:04, because the charged voltage reached 1.40V per battery. I copied the list and pasted in text file that I show you. The setup of TDS310 are 2KS/s ( 25ms/div ), 500 mV/div, 16 averaging sample.
22:54 Mar07 GMT+9

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